Springtime tummy troubles can dampen your fun. Whether you’re heading to the beach or just chilling with friends on the patio, take precautions to avoid occasional constipation, diarrhea or other digestive distress. You worked hard to get that swimsuit-ready body....
Fiber basics
16 No-Bake Desserts
Indulge in your favorite desserts while treating your body to tummy-pleasing fiber and probiotics. Just add Regular Girl to tasty no-bake recipes like these: https://www.brit.co/no-bake-winter-desserts/
Travel Tip
Jet setting for the holidays? Low humidity levels in planes make it easy to get dehydrated. So make sure to keep a water bottle handy! Don't have one? Get one here: http://bit.ly/2gkPrJ2
Travel Hack
Protect your shades from scratches and breakage by packing them in your empty Regular Girl water bottle. After going through security, slide them on your head, fill up your bottle and get ready to fly. Don’t have one yet? Get one: http://bit.ly/1PaKBIg
11 health essentials for your travel bag
Whether you’re hitting the beach, the mountains or the European cobblestones for this vacation, smart packing may keep you healthier and happier on your travels. Here’s what to toss in your travel bag to keep you cool, comfortable and confident regardless of what life...
Fermented foods 101: Basic facts about this trendy food
Sure, some of them may smell a little funny, but that’s not stopping fermented foods from skyrocketing in popularity. Kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt and other cultured foods are all the rage. Why? Because they are chock full of beneficial microorganisms which...
Let’s talk about traveler’s constipation
We hear more about jet lag and even diarrhea than we do about traveler’s constipation. But when it comes to travel-related health issues, constipation probably is just as common.